Navy-Notre Dame Game Watch 26 August

Posted: 7/11/2023

Shipmates, we’ve partnered with the Notre Dame Club of Rochester for a game viewing at Salinger’s (107 East Ave, Rochester, NY 14604) on Saturday, August 26th. Kick off is at 2:30 PM.

We’ll have the bar to ourselves until they open to the public at 5 PM. The Notre Dame Club is providing pizza, wings, and salad. The bar will be open for drinks.

If you plan to join us, please take a minute to RSVP at this link: This will help the Notre Dame Club plan for enough chow.

The Notre Dame Club typically raises funds for charity in conjunction with their social events. They are using this event as a fundraiser for the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (at our suggestion). You can make a donation at the RSVP page, but none is required.
